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Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott – Part 29, Part 5 of Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light—our oral history series with Professor Peter Dale Scott.

Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott – Part 28, August 20, 2024This is Part 5 of Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light—our oral history series with Professor Peter Dale Scott. He is the iconoclastic poet, historian, and political theorist who gave us parapolitics as well as the deep politics approach. Also accompanied by special co-host Ben Howard, Peter reflects upon a number of topics including:

* his early research in to Air America
* his friendship with Allen Ginsberg
* Alfred McCoy’s Politics of Heroin
* CIA influence at The Nation magazine
* the Nugan Hand bank

“Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott – Part 25, April 16, 2024, Peter Dale Scott reads and discusses his poem “Bob Silvers and the Deep State”. The poem centers around the brief period in the 1970’s where Peter had a toe in the American prestige media. Specifically, he worked with Bob Silvers of the NYRB to publish important articles related to the US in Southeast Asia.

Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott – Part 23. American Exception, Mar 18 2024Professor Peter Dale Scott rejoins us to conclude the reading and discussion of his poem “A Ballad of Drugs and 9/11.”

Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott – Part 20 (, February 22, 2024 Professor Peter Dale Scott rejoins us to begin reading from his poem “A Ballad of Drugs and 9/11.”…

Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott (Part 6)  May 10 2022,

Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott (Part 5). Peter reflects upon a number of topics including:

* his early research in to Air America
* his friendship with Allen Ginsberg

A.109 (Interview with Aaron Good). “Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light” American Exception, Interviews with Peter Dale Scott, Part 14 , June 5, 2023,

A.108 (Interview with Aaron Good) American Exception Podcast: Episode 66 . American Exception Podcast: Episode 66,, [Watergate;] A Strange Chronology: Aaron Good and Seamus McGuinness discuss and expand on a Watergate timeline with Jim Hougan (author of Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA) and Peter Dale Scott, August 4, 1982.

A.107  (with Alfred McCoy, 2011, ed. Aaron Good) “Episode 62: The Deep Politics of Heroin w/Peter Dale Scott and Alfred McCoy.” Tape of dialogue between Peter Dale Scott and Alfred McCoy concerning CIA and global narcotics traffic, chaired by Jerry Meldon, Tufts University, 2011,, American Exception, September 2022.

A.106 (interview with Thomas Carrigan and George Webb) “The War Conspiracy and Deep Politics,” Tommy’s PodCast #873, July 27, 2022,

A.105 (interview with Aaron Good) “Deep Events and the Doomsday Network,” American Exception, December 16, 2021, Aaron continues his discussion with Professor Peter Dale Scott about ‘deep politics’ and his 50+ years of historical research into the JFK assassination. In this installment, Professor Scott talks about COG or the “Doomsday Network,” JFK’s Vietnam withdrawal, The Dallas-Watergate connections, and the commonplace denial of deep events.

A.104 (interview with Aaron Good) “Peter Dale Scott’s ’Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,’” American Exception, Aaron talks with Professor Peter Dale Scott about ‘deep politics’ and his 50+ years of historical research into the JFK assassination. Part 3 of our Destiny Betrayed series on the JFK assassination, this episode also features a postscript segment with Ben Howard.

Episode 26: Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light w/Peter Dale Scott (Part1), March 2, 2022
Mar 2, 2022This is the first part of Minding the Darkness, Minding the Light—our oral history series with the brilliant historian, political theorist, and poet–Professor Peter Dale Scott. Accompanied by Ben Howard and Aaron Good, Peter reflects upon his early years prior to his arrival at the University of California at Berkeley.,

A.103 “Still-Unanswered Questions About the 9/11 Attacks Featuring Peter Dale Scott, Ben Howard, and Aaron Good,” Project Censored, September 6, 2021,

A.102 “The Militarization of Our Political Imagination: A Deep State Panel with Richard Falk, Peter Dale Scott, and Aaron Good,” Parallax View, February 26, 2021,

A.101 “9/11: Twenty Years on the Road,” TrueAnon Episode 181 (teaser), September 2, 2021, To hear the full episode, subscribe at

A.100  “Peter Dale Scott on The Popular Show: JFK/9.11/Capitol Riot,” The Popular Show, June 10, 2021. Part 1, “Deep State,”–TPS27-pt-1-DEEP-STATE. Part 2, “Deep Event,” is for patrons

A.99 “Deep State COG Doomsday Network Threat,” (Part Two) Dark Journalist, October 9, 2020,

A.98 “Deep State COG Doomsday Network Threat,” (Part One) Dark Journalist, October 3, 2020,

A.97 “Today’s Great Need: Radical Politics, Conservative Culture,” Talk to Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, January 9, 2020,

A.96 “Continuity of Government: Is the State of Emergency Superseding our Constitution?” Talk to Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, November 23, 2010.

A. 95 My reminiscences, at the opening night of the San Francisco Leonard Cohen Festival, on November 8, 2019, of my friendship with Leonard, from first meeting him in 1953 to my last communication from him on November 6, 2016, the day before he died.

A.94 “Poetry & Terror: Politics and Poetics in Coming to Jakarta w/ Peter Dale Scott & Freeman Ng,” Parallax View, October 11, 2019,

A.93   “The Deep State and the Doomsday Machine: A Conversation between Peter Dale Scott and Daniel Ellsberg” {audio tape), Project Censored, May 28, 2018, “

A.92 “Vietnam Anniversary: A Legacy of Resistance, Deception and Human Tragedy.” Global Research Radio, March 14, 2019. First half hour is an interview with Peter Dale Scott,

A.91 “Who Will Pull the Strings During Trump’s Presidency?” Imterview with Jeff Schechtman, Who.What.Why, November 11. 2016,

A.89 My reading for Vallum of my poem “Chainsaw Dhamma”.

A.88 Interview with James Zealous, Common Thread, June 17, 2016. At 23:30 minutes into this podcast interview with James Zealous, I read and discuss my six-page poem, “Lament for a National Hero,” from the sequence “Loving America” in my book Tilting Point (pp. 32-37). The poem concerns the official cover-up about Pat Tillman, who gave up a lucrative career with the NFL to fight as a U.S. Ranger in Iraq and Afghanistan; and then was killed (some say murdered) by “friendly fire,” after what he saw in war led him to arrange to meet on his return with Noam Chomsky,

A.88 Interview with James Zealous, Common Thread, June 10, 2016. I believe this may be my first radio broadcast ever focused on my poetry, and in particular on my long poem Coming to Jakarta, and its relevance to deep politics (and other related topics). The interview with me begins at 14:30 minutes into the broadcast.

A.87 An interview on the Ed Opperman show, May 13, 2016, in which I argue (by pointing to the different evolution of a more moderate and democratic Muslim Indonesia) that Muslim “terrorists” (or what I prefer to call Salafist militants) are not primarily to be attributed to Islam or the Quran, but to U.S. disruption of Middle Eastern and Arab politics, above all contributions to regime change in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, etc.

A.86 My discussion on the Gary Null radio show, “The Revolt of the Deep State Against the White House.”

A.85 “Remembering JFK, Oswald, and Tippit,” Weird News Weekly, November 12 2015,

A.84 Peter Dale Scott and David Talbot discuss The Devil’s Chessboard, Project Censored,. KPFA, December 14, 2015. Tape of event at Mechanic’s Institute, San Francisco, December 2. 2015.

A.83 “Korea’s “Comfort Women”. David Talbot w/ Peter Dale Scott,” KPFA, September 22, 2015,

A.82 Deep Politics Book Interview with Brent Holland, New Fright Show, August 16, 2015,

A.81 Interview on KPFA with Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips of Projecyt Censored, September 28, 2015,

A.80 “Peter Dale Scott Explains the Secret Cheney Operation on 9/11,”. Interview with Jeff Schechtman of WhoWhatWhy, September 11, 2015,

A.79 “Continuity of Government: Is the State of Emergency Superseding our Constitution?” Talk to Commonwealth Club, San Francisco. Novermber 23, 2010,

A.78 A speech on the “deep state” by author Peter Dale Scott at Sonoma State University, March 26, 2015. Porject Censored, April 10, 2015,

A.77 “Exposing the CIA: the Secret Government’s War on Democracy.” Discussion of The American Deep State with David Talbot, The Green Arcade bookstore, San Drancisco, February 11, 2015,

A.76 Podcast of my talk at City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco on December (not November) 9, 2014, concerning my new book The American Deep State.

A.75 Interview with Jon Gold about 9/11 and the JFK Assassination, CindySheehan’, January 7, 2015,

A.74 “The American Deep State”, KPFA Broadcast November 21, 2014, with Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips of Project Censored, ter-dale-scott-2/.

A.73 “The Ottawa Shootings and the ISIL. ‘Continuity of Government’ and Architecture of the ‘Deep State.” Global Research Newshour, November 5, 2011,

A.72 “Deep State: Peter Dale Scott talks to Lew Rockwell about the secret government,”, October 17, 2014,

A.71 “Let’s Talk About the American Deep State,” Interview with Lars Schall, June 20, 2014,

A.70 Discussion with Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff of Project Censored on the JFK Assassination, Deep Politics, and Deep Events, The Morning Mix, for November 29, 2013 – 8:00am, KPFA,

A.69 “JFK Conversations with Alan Dale: Online Interviews with Experts on the Presidency & Assassination” (includes long interview with Peter Dale Scott), JFK LANCER: Productions & Publiucations, October 2013,

A.68 Progressive Radio News Hour – Guest Peter Dale Scott, August 11, 2012, Discussion with Stephen Lendman, on my next book, The Doomsday Project, COG, deep events in general, the Lincoln assassination, and the Federal Reserve.

A.67 “The erosion of civil liberties, human rights and the demise of American democracy,” Gary Null show, Progressive Commentary Hour, June 4, 2012, Panel discussion with Gary Null and Peter Phillips, also Stephen Lendmaan.

A.66 “Peter Dale Scott – Hour 1 – Norway’s Massacre, Breivik & Deep Events,” Red Ice Creations, December 1, 2011,

A.65 “Deep Politics in the Age of Bush and Obama,”, Discussion by Peter Dale Scott and Russ Baker, City Lights Bookstore, San Francisco, December 2010,

A.64 “En route vers le nouveau desordre mondial: Entrevue telephonique avec Peter Dale Scott et Emmanuel Ratier, Radio Courtoisie (Parius), le 8 juillet, 2011. (In French.) Note: due to a connection failure, I am only heard about 15 minutes into the program.

A.63 Professor Alfred W. McCoy and Professor Peter Dale Scott, “CIA complicity in the global drug trade,” a discussion with questions, Tufts Universdity, September 19, 2011, WZBC Radio, September 25, 2011,

A.62. Peter Dale Scott reads some of his poetry (September 18, 2011), Longfellow House, Cambridge, MA.,

A.62. Peter Dale Scott reads some of his poetry (September 18, 2011), Longfellow House, Cambridge, MA.,

A.61 “Peter Dale Scott: En Route vers le Nouveau Desordre.” Interview, in French, Le Libre Journal d’Emmanuel Ratier, Radio Courtoisie, July 27, 2011,

A.60 Interview, The Corbett Report, July 18, 2011. Discussing the latest developments in the Afghan drug traffic,

A.59 “Continuity of Government Planning” with Peter Dale Scott. The process by which the U.S. Constitution has already been superseded.” Guns and Butter, KPFA, July 14, 2010, talk by Peter Dale Scott at “Understanding Deep Politics” Conference, Santa Cruz, CA, May 16, 2010,

A.58 Peter Dale Scott on “Deep Politics” (2). Discussion of “Continuity of Government” plans dating from the 1980s, 9/11 Wake-Up Call, Radio4all, June 24, 2010,

A.57 “Peter Dale Scott on Thomas Merton: “The Many-Gated City”. 25-minute abridgment of Talk given to Canadian Thomas Merton Society,Vancouver, March 7, 2009,

A.56 “Peter Dale Scott Talks with Jason Bermas,” Alex Jones Show,, April 8, 2010,

A.55 “The Accountability Movement: The Myth of a Free Press.” Interview by Bonnie Faulkner with investigative reporters and authors, Kristina Borjesson, Charlotte Dennett and Peter Dale Scott. Guns and Butter, KPFA, April 7, 2010,

A.54 “Diet Soap Podcast with Peter Dale Scott,”,

A.53 “AMERICA’S AFGHANISTAN: US National Security and a Heroin-Ravaged State,” TUC Radio, May 30, 2009,

A.52 �Lifting the State of Emergency,” Audio broadcast, TUC Radio, May 13, 2009,

A.51 “Wall Street, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Council for National Policy,” Alex Jones Show,, March 18, 2009,

A.50 “Saving American Politics from the Present Two-Party System”, TUC Radio, February 11, 2009. This was a talk delivered to the Republican Round Table of San Francisco on Janu ary 27, 2009. Click here for a video on YouTube at here for radio broadcast, and here for text.

A.49 “”Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War: Peter Dale Scott on Alex Jones TV, telephonic interview. Hosted by Jason Bermas,” Alex Jones Show,,

A.48 “10:00 PM History Counts with host Ken MacDermotRoe., WPKN, November 2, 2008. “The Deep State” – We discuss the little known Wall Street origins of the CIA after World War II and show how the CIA’s early covert operations became a model for off the books ops financed through illegal drug dealing and money laundering. We also examine the development since the 1960’s of secret plans for martial law. Our guest is Peter Dale Scott, author of “Drugs, Oil and War” and “The Road to 9/11”.

A.47 Peter Dale Scott reading at Atwater Poetry Project, September 18, 2008.

A.46 “Peter Dale Scott on the Alex Jones Show,” August 20, 2008,

A.45 Peter Dale Scott on Carol Brouillet show, August 11, 2008,

P.5 Peter Dale Scott and Stephen Lendman interview – 6.23.2008. On the Global Research News Hour, 6.23.2008. Peter Dale Scott and Stephen Lendman talk about Scott’s recent article, 9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics. Original with commercials (13.4 MB – 1 hour):…Minus commercials (21.6 MB – 46:23):

P.4 Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Peter Dale Scott… debates 9-11 on Air America’s Clout radio show

A.44 Air America’s Clout, Radio Debate with Ron Wieck, May 22, 2008,

P.3 Podcast Interview with Peter Dale Scott, March 28, 2008. Electric Politics, Skimbleshanks.

A.43 Two-hour radio interview with Kevin Barrett, February 23, 2008.

A.42 Peter Dale Scott on Alex Jones show, February 21, 2008, discussing his book The Road to 9/11.

P.2 Podcast: “ISR With Special Guest Peter Dale Scott: Jan 24, 2008” IntelStrike Report,

A.41 [Radio interview with Ryan Gingeras] “Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,” October 25, 2007,

A.33 “Peter Dale Scott: The Politics of Global Drug Trafficking;” Interview with David Barsamian, Durango, April 4, 1995,

A.31 “Peter Dale Scott – Deep Politics and the JFK Assassination,” KPFA, 1994

A.28 “Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies and the CIA,” KPFA, 1992,

A.23 “From Dallas to Watergate to Iran-Contra,” KPFK, 1988,

A.21 “Discussion of Organized Crime [and the JFK Assassination]  with Peter Dale Scott and Jeff Gerth,” KPFA,  .

A.11 “Spooks, Planes, and Heroin: The Keys to Escalation in Indochina,” WBAI, 3 July 1972, A very old podcast, just put on line here.

A.8 “What the Pentagon Papers Do and Do Not Reveal and JDK and Vietnam w/ Peter Dale Scott,” KPFA, 1971,

A.6 “The War in Laos,” KPFK, 1970,

Oct 18, 2006 Guns and Butter, KPFA, 10/18/06: Listen Now.. Webster Tarpley Speech at American Scholars Symposium Webster Tarpley from a presentation at the American Scholars Symposium in Los Angeles, California on June 24, 2006, on his 9/11 research and his book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror. KPFA Fundraiser with Bonnie Faulkner and Jim Bennett.



Peter Dale Scott at CIA-Drugs Symposium, June 9, 2000

Peter Dale Scott on “Plan Colombia” $8.00

“Drug Smuggling and the CIA.” Prevailing Winds Research, #136, $11.95 (2 tapes).

“Drug Trafficking, Drug Wars & the CIA.” Alternative Radio. [On NPR, 12/00.]

“The Politics of Global Drug Trafficking.” Alternative Radio (4/4/95).

“The CIA, Cocaine and the Contras: An Evening with Dr. Peter Dale Scott, John Mattes and Jerry Brown.” Prevailing Winds Research, #554, $12.95 (2 tapes).

“Cocaine Politics: Interview with Peter Dale Scott.” Prevailing Winds Research, #731, $7.50.