D.2 (Poem) “Touching.” Departure (London) 1 (1952).
D.3 (Poem) “Walton Street Interlude.” Civ/n (Montreal) 4 (Winter 1953), 3. Under pseudonym “John Sproston.” Cf. C.28.
D.4 (Poem) “Parc de Montsouris.” Northern Review (Montreal) V, 6 (Feb./Mar. 1953), 36.
D.5 “La Marche sur Quebec” (in collaboration with Sylvia Wiseman). Nation CLXXVIII, 11 (March 13, 1954), 217-18. Translated into French, L’Autorite (Montreal) III, 37 (April 3, 1964), 3.
D.6 “Three Poems” (“The Death of Oceanus,” “The Children,” “Touching”). Northern Review(Montreal) VI, 6 (Aug./Sept. 1954), 31-33.
D.7 (Poem) “To M., Who Knew Too Much.” Civ/n (Montreal) 6 (Fall 1954), 13. Under pseudonym “John Sproston.” Cf. C.28.
D.7a (Poem) “The Great Clock of Strassbourg[sic]”, Forge (McGill University) (1954), 37.
D.7b (Poem) “The Children,” Forge (McGill University) (1954), ??.
D.7c (Poem) “Fall River,” Forge (McGill University) (1954), ??.
D.8 (Poem) “Cathedral Creche.” Poetry (Chicago) LXXXV, 3 (Dec. 1954), 3.
D.9 (A review of) The Dark Is Light Enough, by Christopher Fry. Northern Review (Toronto) VII, 1 (Spring 1955), 49-53.
D.9a (Poem) “Montebello Sugaring.” McGill Daily, December 16, 1955.
D.10 (A review of) Edmund William Thomson (1829-1924): A Bibliography by Arthur B. Bourinot, The Tower from McMaster University, Green Timbers and Other Poems by Eugenie Perry, The Hangman Ties the Holly by Anne Wilkinson. Canadian Forum (Toronto) XXXV, 420 (Jan. 1956), 235.
D.11 (Poem) “L’Echourie (Where Maureen First Met the Ocean).” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XXXVI, 428 (Sept. 1956), 133.
D.12 (Poem) “On First Reading Hodgskin and Hardenberg). Canadian Forum (Toronto) XXXVI, 429 (Oct. 1956), 157.
D.13 “A Choice of Certainties.” Tamarack Review (Toronto) 8 (Summer 1958), 73-82. Review article of novels by Mordecai Richler.
D.14 (Two Poems) “Bell’s Wood,” “The Canadian Miss Bell in Springtime.” Tamarack Review(Toronto) 10 (Winter 1959), 51-52.
D.15 (Poem) “Lachute.” Delta (Montreal) 7 (April 1959), 6.
D.16 (Three Poems) “On Listening to Old Gramophone Records with Miss Banting,” “Jay’s Wish,” “Garden.” The Fiddlehead (Fredericton, N.B.) 44 (Spring 1960), 32-34.
D.17 (Three Poems) “Les Bouffons d”Apres-Guerre: Trois Saltimbanques.” Queen’s Quarterly(Kingston, Ont) LXVII, 4 (Winter 1961), 575-76.
D.18 (Four Poems) “Les Bouffons d”Apres-Guerre” (“The Interpreter,” “Green Girl,” “Riviera Salesman,” Parole”). Poetry (Chicago) XCVIII, 1 (April 1961), 26-29.
D.19 (Poem) “Pieta.” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 484 (May 1961), 34.
D.20 (Poem) “Knightsland.” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 485 (June 1961), 68.
D.21 (Poem) “Lizard.” The Fiddlehead (Fredericton, N.B.) 51 (Winter 1962), 11.
D.22 (Poem) “Vincent at Arles.” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 492 (Winter 1962), 221.
D.23 (Poem) “The Dust Theatre.” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 492 (Winter 1962), 228.
D.24 “Turning New Leaves” (A Review of Hear Us O Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place, by Malcolm Lowry). Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 492 (Jan. 1962), 235-36.
D.25 “Turning New Leaves” (A Review of Acis in Oxford and Dover Beach Revisited by Robert Finch, Selah by Gwendolyn MacEwan, Poems by David Donnell, Double Persephone by M.E. Atwood, and Poems for 27 Cents, ed. Irving Layton, Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 493 (Feb. 1962), 259-60. (See also correspondence from Irving Layton, Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLI, 494 (March 1962), 281-82.)
D.26 (Poem) “Fishing River.” Alphabet (London, Ont.) 4 (June 1962), 10-11.
D.27 “Letter: The Treason of Elegance: A Reply to Maxwell Vos.” Tamarack Review (Toronto) 25 (Autumn 1963), 112-16. (See also reply by Mr. Vos,Tamarack Review (Toronto) 26 (Winter 1963), 99-100.
D.28 “Our University Machinery (Some comments in reply to Professor Underhill).” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLII, 506 (March 1963), 273-75. (See also Robin Mathews, “The New University,” Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLIII [May 1963], 508.
D.29 “Translations from Zbigniew Herbert.” A preface and seven translations: “Arion” (Arijon), “To Marcus Aurelius” (Do Marka Aurelego), “Maturity” (Dojrzalosc), “Two Drops” (Dwie Krople), “The Wringer” (Magiel), “The Wind and the Rose” (Wiatr i roza), “Episode in a Library” (Epizod w bibliotece). Hudson Review (New York) XVI 1 (Spring 1963), 68-73.
D.30 “Fresh Fish in the Cadillac?” (A review of The First Five Years: A Selection from the Tamarack Review, ed. by Robert Weaver. Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLIII, 507 (April 1963), 18-19.
D.31 (Poem) “St. Martin de Canigou.” The Fiddlehead (Fredericton, N.B.) 57 (Summer 1963), 52-53.
D.32 (Poem) “The Mount of Love.” Massachusetts Review (Amherst, MA) V, 1 (Autumn 1963), 142-43.
D.33 (Translation from the Polish, with Czeslaw Milosz) “Throughout Our Lands” (Poem by Czeslaw Milosz). Encounter (London) XXII, 2 (Feb. 1964), 46-49.
D.34 “Alcuin as a Poet: Rhetoric and Belief in His Latin Verse.” University of Toronto Quarterly(Toronto) XXXIII, 3 (April 1964), 1-26.
D.35 “Warsaw Poems” (“i. War Scare in Saska Kepa,” “ii. Lazienki Palace,” “iii. Assumption Day Near Wyszkow”). Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLIV, 520 (May 1964), 39.
D.36 (Poem) “Le Causse du Caylar.” The Fiddlehead (Fredericton, N.B.) 62 (Fall 1964), 37-38.
D.37 “Elephants and the Polish Question” (a review of Poland: Bridge for the Abyss? by Richard Hiscocks). Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLIV, 526 (Nov. 1964), 180-81.
D.38 (Poem) “The Printed Centaur.” The Fiddlehead (Fredericton, N.B.) 63 (Winter 1965), 1.
D.39 “America’s Knowledge Industry: What Protection for a Smaller Power?” Tamarack Review(Toronto) 34 (Winter 1965), 65-77.
D.40 (Poem) “Hepaticas Near Ottawa.” Literary Review (Teaneck, NJ) VIII, 4 (Summer 1965), 564.
D.41 “Alcuin’s Versus de Cuculo: The Vision of Pastoral Friendship.” Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, NC) LXII, 4 (July 1965), 510-30.
D.42 (Poem) “The Forest of Wishing.” Times Literary Supplement (London) 3, 316 (Sept. 16, 1965), 798.
D.43 “Alienation and Policy: The Roles of the Intellectual.” Queen’s Quarterly (Kingston, Ont.) LXII, 3 (Autumn 1965), 480-98.
D.44 “Professors as Reformers” (review article discussing The Prospect of Change, edited by Abraham Rotstein). Canadian Forum (Toronto) XLV, 537 (October 1965), 149-50.
D.45 (Letter to the Editor) “Words from the Past.” San Francisco Chronicle, March 25, 1966, p. 48. Concerns Vietnam.
D.46 (Letter to the Editor, with Carl E. Schorske) “Repeat of Past Performances.” San Francisco Chronicle, April 20, 1966. Concerns Vietnam.
D.47 “A Faculty Reply to M. Savio on Educational Reform.” Daily Californian (Weekly Magazine), II (November 29, 1966), 7-8.
D.48 “Vietnam: The Importance of January,” Nation, CCIV, 3 (January 16, 1967), 74-77.
D.49 (Four Translations) “Elephant” (“Slon“), “Wristwatch” (“Zegarek”), “Parable of the Russian Emigres” (“Przypowiesc o Emigrantach Rosyjskich”, “Episode” (“Episod”), by Zbigniew Herbert. The Review (London), 17 (April 1967), 9, 14, 17, 19.
D.50 (Letter to the Editor) “Is the Government Lying?” San Francisco Chronicle, September 22, 1967. Concerns Vietnam.
D.51 “Escalation and Negotiation.” Canadian Dimension (Winnipeg, Man.), IV, 5 (July-August 1967), 33-35.
D.52 “The Regrouping of Doves.” Ramparts (San Francisco), VI, 8 (March 1968), 56-58.
D.53 (Poem) “Up Against the Wall,” San Francisco Express Times, I, 37 (October 2, 1968), 2. Redistributed by Liberation News Service.
D.54 (Translation from the Polish, with Czeslaw Milosz) “Greek Portrait” (“Grecki Portret”). Occident (Berkeley) III (Spring 1969), 56.
D.55 “Tonkin Bay: Was There a Conspiracy?” (a review of Truth Is the First Casualty, by Joseph Goulden). New York Review of Books, XIV, 1-2 (January 29, 1970), 31-41.
D.56 “A Canadian Chronicle” (a review of sixteen books of Canadian poetry), Poetry (Chicago), CXV, 5 (February 1970), 353-64.
D.57 “Air America: Flying the U.S. into Laos.” Ramparts, VIII, 8 (February 1970), 39-42, 52-54. Reprinted as a booklet. Ithaca, NY: Glad Day Press, 1970.
D.58 “War by Private Enterprise.” Bay Area Institute, Newsletter (January 6, 1970), 12.
D.59 “Laos: The Story Nixon Won’t Tell.” New York Review of Books, XIV, 7 (April 9, 1970), 35-45.
D.60 “Cambodia: Why We Can’t Stop.” New York Review of Books, XIV, 12 (June 18, 1970), 28-34. Reprinted as a booklet: Cambodia: Why the Generals Won. Ithaca, NY: Glad Day Press, 1970.
D.61 “Oil Under Troubled Waters” (guest editorial distributed nationally by Another Mother for Peace). Freedom News (Richmond, CA) V, 6 (June 1971). Their condensation.
D.62 “Winding Up the War: The Nixon Strategy in Southeast Asia” (analysis and commentary distributed nationally by Alternative Features Service (Berkeley, CA), June 1971. Their condensation.
D.63 “Heroin Traffic and the CIA.” Earth (San Francisco), III, 2 (March 1972), 35-42, 92-94.
D.63a (Translation of Poem) “Jaje Sjevernog Gnjurca” (“The Loon’s Egg”), translated by Luko Paljetek. Mogucnosti (Split), XIX, 7 (July 1972), 737-38. Cf. C.6, D.201.
D.64 “Opium and Empire: McCoy on Heroin in Southeast Asia” (a review of Alfred W. McCoy et al., The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia). Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, V, 2 (September 1973), 49-56.
D.65 “From Dallas to Watergate: The Longest Cover-Up.” Ramparts (November 1973), 12-17, 20, 53-54. Translated into French by Annie Mignard, “De Dallas au Watergate,” Les Temps Modernes(Paris), 331, (February 1974, 1375-93. Reprinted in B.4, C.17, C.20.
D.66 “All the President’s Men — Except One,” by Howard Dratch and Peter Dale Scott. Article for Pacific News Service (San Francisco), March 17, 1975. Published in journals such as Boston Phoenix (April 1, 1975), 13; Colorado Daily (Boulder, CO), XXIII, 166 (April 8, 1975), 17-19; Hongkong Standard (April 5, 1975), etc. Translated into Danish (F.8), Information (Copenhagen), (July 17, 1975), 2.
D.67 “Were CIA Killers in Dallas? The ‘Cuba Thing’ Mystery.” Article for Pacific News Service, June 23, 1975. Published in journals such as Hongkong Standard (June 28, 1975), Madison, WI Capital Times (July 7, 1975), Boston Phoenix (July 15, 1975), etc.
D.67a [Letter to the Editor] “The CIA’s Mystery Man.” New York Review of Books, July 17, 1975.
D.68 “Scandal-Making Law Still on Books.” Article for Pacific News Service, September 8, 1975. Published in journals such as San Francisco Examiner (September 13, 1975), The Digger(Melbourne, Australia),(October 6, 1975), Fairfax, VA Virginia Globe (September 11, 1975), etc.
D.69 (Letter to the Editor), New York Review of Books, July 3, 1975.
D.70 “Assassinations: Shaping U.S. Politics.” Berkeley Barb (November 14-20, 1975), 7-8.
D.71 “Could Kennedy Have Been Killed by a $2 Gun?” Article for Pacific News Service, April 25, 1976. Published in journals such as San Francisco Examiner (April 25, 1976), Overseas Weekly(May 12, 1976).
D.72 “Kennedy Assassination: The Case That Will Not Die.” Article for Pacific News Service, May 17, 1976. Published in journals such as the Portland Observer (May 27, 1976), Hongkong Standard (May 30, 1976).
D.73 “Behind the Oswald-Castro Connection.” Article for Pacific News Service, June 1, 1976. Published in journals such as Hongkong Standard (June 6, 1976), Madison WI Capitol Times(June 9, 1976).
D.74 “Aristocrat’s Murky World Could Shed Light on Oswald’s Past.” Article for Pacific News Service, April 11, 1977. Published in journals such as the Minnesota Daily (Minneapolis), Athens GA Daily Review, and (in Danish) Information (Copenhagen).
D.75 “Vietnamese Spy Case — The FBI Shoots for Credibility.” Article for Pacific News Service, February 9, 1978. Published in journals such as the Hongkong Standard, the Whitesburg KY Mountain Eagle, and the Lubbock TX Avalanche Journal.
D.76 (Poem) “My Son Rowing.” Berkeley Poetry Review, 6 and 7 (Spring 1978), 32-33.
D.77 “Did Warren Commission Ignore Evidence?” Article for Pacific News Service, December 31, 1978. Published in journals such as the Northeast Bay Independent and Gazette and Covington GA Star.
D.78 “The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up,” Inquiry, II, 11 (May 14, 1979), 18-22.
D.79 “The Battle That Bombed” (a review of Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story, by Peter Wyden). Christian Science Monitor (July 9, 1979), B3.
D.80 “Scott on Moldea” (a review of The Hoffa Wars, by Dan Moldea). Clandestine America, III, 2 (July-August/September-October 1979), 11. Reprinted in The Grassy Knoll Gazette, III, 3 (September 1979), 9-10.
D.81 “The Media and the Cover-Up.” Gallery, VII, 8 (July 1979), 84-85.
D.82 “Amerikansk ekspert: Kennedy-morderne ble beskyttet” (Interview). Klassekampen (Oslo), August 28, 1979, 6.
D.83 (Poem) “Blood Talk.” Berkeley Poetry Review, 8 (Fall 1979), 22-23.
D.84 “Behind Closed Doors” (a review of The Man Who Kept the Secrets, by Thomas Powers). Daily Californian (Friday Magazine: a supplement), X, 17, February 1, 1980, 1, 11.
D.85 (Poems) “Almond Tree,” “Sora.” Berkeley Poetry Review, 10 (Winter 1981), 94-97.
D.86 “Provocative Theory on Kennedy Autopsy” (a review of David Lifton, Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy), Oakland Tribune, April 5, 1981, J-11.
D.87 “From ‘Coming to Jakarta,'” The Berkeley Graduate (September 1981), p. 15. Contains a prefatory note, I.v (“I am writing this poem”), II.ix (“training and education for leadership”), III.x (“the first coup”). Cf. A.8.
D.88 (Poem) “Dying In,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 11-12 (Fall 1981-Winter 1982), p. 88.
D.89 (Poem) “Max Scherr’s Wake,” Berkeley Barb XXXI.1, December 11, 1981, p. 6. Reprinted in Berkeley Poetry Review, 14 (Fall 1982), pp. 31-33.
D.90 (Poem) “These Roots,” by Jacques Godbout, translated by Peter Dale Scott, The Berkeley Graduate (January 1982), p. 3. Reprinted in Berkeley Poetry Review, 13 (Spring 1982), p. 1.
D.91 (A review of) Labyrinth, by Taylor Branch and Eugene M. Propper, Oakland Tribune, May 9, 1982, I-8.
D.92 (Poem) “Talks at the Yenan Forum,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 13 (Spring 1982), 22-23.
D.93 “Introduction: Peacebook and the Proposed New Peace Studies Major,” Peacebook: A Resource Guide to Peace and Conflict Studies, 1982-1983, p. 5.
D.94a “Peace, Power, and Revolution: Marxism and Peace Studies,” Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy (Delhi and New York), IX.1 (March 1983), pp. 131-44.
D.94b “Peace, Power, and Revolution: Peace Studies, Marxism, and the Academy,” Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy (Delhi and New York), IX.3 (Winter 1983-84), pp. 351-72.
D.94c “Peace Theory and Marxist Thought” (excerpts from D91b) Peacebook (Berkeley: Peace Studies Student Association, 1983-84), p. 17.
D.95 (Poem) “Mischievousness,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 15 (Spring 1983), pp. 46-47.
D.96 (Poem) “Coppett’s Wood Hospital,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 17 (Fall 1984), pp. 49-50.
D.97 “A conversation with Professor Peter Dale Scott,” Lobster (Hull, England) 7 (February 1985), pp. 1-12. With editor Robin Ramsay.
D.98 “Why No One Could Find Mengele: Allen Dulles and the German SS.” The Threepenny Review (Berkeley, Cal.) 23 (Fall 1985), pp. 16-18.
D.99 “The United States and the Overthrow of Sukarno, 1965-1967” Pacific Affairs (Vancouver, B.C.) 58.2 (Summer 1985), pp. 239-64. Reprinted in Intelligence/Parapolitics (Paris) 79 (July 1986), pp. 13-19. Translated into Bahasa Indonesia as Peranan C.I.A. Dalam Penggulingan Bung Karno (A.7). This book was banned by the Indonesian Attorney-General (see e.g. Jakarta Post, August 20, 1990) but its contents were reissued in a Jakarta anthology. A longer, earlier version was translated into Dutch as “De Verenigde Staten & Indonesie 1965,” in Indonesie: De Waarheid Omtrent 1965 (Amsterdam: Indonesia Media, 1985), pp. 170-235 (C.30; cf. D.147).
D.100 “A Conversation with Olga Rudge,” Poetry Flash (Berkeley, Cal.) 152 (November 1985), pp. 1, 3, 8-9, 18.
D.101 “How Allen Dulles and the SS Preserved Each Other,” Covert Action Information Bulletin, 25 (Winter 1986), pp. 4-14. Summarized in Intelligence/Parapolitics (Paris) 74 (February 1986), p. 3. A fuller version, with additional material and footnotes, of D.98.
D.102 (Poem) “Olive Oatman,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 18 & 19 (1985-1986), pp. 222-24.
D.103a “Nevada Radiation Cover-Up — Was the Fallout All from Chernobyl?” Article for Pacific News Service (July 29, 1986). One of 25 final nominations for “Project Censored” award for most under-reported story of the Journalism Department, California State University at Sonoma. Published in journals such as the San Francisco Examiner and Johannisburg (South Africa)Weekly Mail, and with modifications as follows.
D.103b “U.S. Covers Up Nuke Test Fallout,” Daily Californian, August 1, 1986, pp. 1, 5.
D.103c “The Nevada Radiation Cover-Up,” Threepenny Review (Berkeley, Cal.), VII.3 (Fall 1986), p. 3.
D.103d “DOE Plugs Leak on Radiation Leak,” In These Times (Chicago), August 20-September 2, 1986, p. 2. The fullest account.
D.104 “Anger and Poetic Politics in Rock-Drill,” San Jose Studies, XII.3 (Fall 1986), pp. 68-82.
D.105a “Government’s Credibility Gap — Tracing CIA Ties to Singlaub and Southern Air.” Article for Pacific News Service (October 10, 1986). Published in journals such as the Oakland Tribuneand Baltimore Sun.
D.105b “CIA Denial of Involvement in Nicaragua Echoes Past,” Daily Californian, October 10, 1986, p. 1. An edited version of D.105a.
D.106 “Have We Discovered Contra-gate?” Daily Californian, October 14, 1986, p. 4.
D.107 “Cuba in 1960s and Nicaragua Now — CIA’s Covert Wars — Same Methods, Same Players.” Article for Pacific News Service (October 21, 1986). Published in journals such as Information (Copenhagen), December 2, 1986, the Los Angeles Daily Commerce and the Palm Beach Post.
D.108 “Transnationalised Repression: Parafascism and the U.S.,” Lobster (Hull, England), 12 (n.d. [October 1986]), pp. 1-30.
D.109a “Khashoggi a Key Operative — Irangate Spotlights CIA Network of Influence Spanning 30 Years.” Article for Pacific News Service (December 1, 1986). Published in journals such as the Mountain Eagle and the Berkeley Tri-City Post. Reprinted in Central America Monitor (Oakland: Data Center), IV, 23 (December 1-15, 1986), pp. 15-16.
D.109b “Iran-Contra deal connected to CIA web of influence,” Daily Californian, December 1, 1986, pp. 10-11. A different condensation.
D.110 “Thoughts on Process in Global Peacework and Peace Education,” Pacific World(Wellington, New Zealand), I, 1 (November/December 1986), p. 10.
D.111 “The Day NORAD Was Born,” Peace Magazine (Toronto), II, 6 (December 1986/January 1987), p. 26.
D.112 “Irangate or Contragate — Which Is the Bigger Scandal?” Article for Pacific News Service (December 29, 1986). Published in the San Francisco Examiner.
D.113 (Poem) “Flight,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 20 (Fall 1986, i.e. January 1987), pp. 27-29.
D.114 (Poem) “an excerpt from Going to Jakarta [i.e. Coming to Jakarta,” Berkeley Poetry Review, 20 (Fall 1986, i.e. January 1987), pp. 160-62. (I.ii “In Watertown Massachusetts…”). Cf. A.8.
D.115 “Our ‘Disposal Problem – The Secret Team Behind Contragate,” Nation, CCXLIV, 4, January 31, 1987, pp. 98, 114-16. Reprinted in Central America Monitor (Oakland: Data Center), V, 4 (February 16-28, 1987), pp. 42-44.
D.116 “The ‘Secret Team’ Behind Contragate and Its Past Scandals.” Article for Pacific News Service (January 27, 1987). First of Special Six-Part Series on U.S. Shadow Warriors and the Origins of Contragate. The series is reprinted in Central America Monitor (Oakland: Data Center), V, 4 (February 16-28, 1987), pp. 49-54.
D.117 “Clandestine Warriors and the Problem of Their Disposal.” Article for Pacific News Service (January 27, 1987). Second of Special Six-Part Series on U.S. Shadow Warriors and the Origins of Contragate. Condensed from D.113.
D.118 “Contragate and the CIA’s ‘Off Loaded’ Operations.” Article for Pacific News Service (January 28, 1987). Third of Special Six-Part Series on U.S. Shadow Warriors and the Origins of Contragate.
D.119 “Contragate’s Second Secret Team — the Cuban ‘S-Force.'” Article for Pacific News Service (January 29, 1987). Fourth of Special Six-Part Series on U.S. Shadow Warriors and the Origins of Contragate.
D.120 “Contragate and the Cuban Exiles,” Threepenny Review (Berkeley, Cal.), VIII.1 (Spring 1987), p. A less truncated version of D.117.
D.121 “Contragate Cubans Linked to Even More Shadowy Terrorist Network.” Article for Pacific News Service (January 30, 1987). Fifth of Special Six-Part Series on U.S. Shadow Warriors and the Origins of Contragate.
D.122 “Watergate Red[d]ux — Don’t Trivialize the Deeper Issues in the Iran-Contra Affair.” Article for Pacific News Service (January 30, 1987). Sixth of Special Six-Part Series on U.S. Shadow Warriors and the Origins of Contragate.
D.123 “Man of Anger, Man of Peace: The Poetic Politics of Ezra Pound.” Rendezvous (Pocatello, ID: Idaho State University Journal of Arts and Letters), XXII.1, Fall 1986, pp. 34-58.
D.124 “Contragate: Reagan, Foreign Money, and the Contra Deal.” Crime and Social Justice (San Francisco), 27-28 [Summer 1987], pp. 110-48. An earlier version of B.6, The Iran-Contra Connection, ch. 4.
D.125 (Poems) “Ephemera,” “Reflections on a Fifty-Eighth Birthday.” Berkeley Poetry Review(Winter 1987), pp. 25-26.
D.126 (Translation) “Crossing the Yellow River,” by Wang Wei. Berkeley Poetry Review (Winter 1987), pp. 106-07.
D.127 (A Review of) Lars-Goran Stenelo, The International Critic: The Impact of Swedish Criticism of the U.S. Involvement in Vietnam. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986. Journal of Asian Studies, 46, 3 (August 1987), pp. 709-10.
D.128 (Poem) “Flight,” Brick: A Journal of Reviews, 30 [Fall 1987], p. 64.
D.129 “America’s Secret Team: Covert Operations in the Reagan Era.” High Times, 145 (September 1987), pp. 33-36, 68, 85. Excerpts from Chapters III and IV of B.6.
D.130 “George Bush, the Iran Arms Deals, and Oil.” Article for Pacific News Service, December 20, 1987. Published in the Oakland Tribune (December 22, 1987), and the Baltimore Sun(December 27, 1987). Judged to be the fifth most under-reported news story of 1987 by “Project Censored” of the Journalism Department, California State University at Sonoma.
D.131 “Bush and North: How Close Was the Relationship?” Article for Pacific News Service, January 25, 1988.
D.132 “Contras Prepare to Resume the War.” Article for Pacific News Service, May 7, 1988. Published in journals such as The Mountain Eagle (Colorado). Also distributed via Peacenet.
D.133 “In Managua, the Chance for Peace Has Improved the Chance for War.” Article distributed by Peacenet. June 1988.
D.134 “From Coming to Jakarta.” Witness (Farmington Hills, Michigan) II.1 (Spring 1988), 54-65. Reprints II.iv, II.xvii, III.xi, IV.iv, IV.x. Cf. A.8, D.85.
D.135 “George Bush: The Teflon Candidate.” Extra! (The Newsletter of FAIR [Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting]), II.2 (September/October 1988), 1, 4-5. In 2014 posted by FAIR at http://fair.org/extra-online-articles/george-bush-the-teflon-candidate/.
D.136 (Poem) “Field (For Robert Duncan).” Berkeley Poetry Review, 22 (Fall 1988), 174-79. (Later published as part III.i of Listening to the Candle).
D.137 “Three Sections from Coming to Jakarta: A Poem About Terror” (II.xviii, III.i, IV.i). Epoch(Ithaca, NY). 37.3 (1988 Series), 133-40. Prefaced by a brief Author’s Note.
D.138 “Hubris and Blind Desire” (a review of Anne Collins, In the Sleep Room). Kingston [Ont.] Whig-Standard Magazine, November 12, 1988, 23-24.
D.139 “From Coming to Jakarta.” Ironwood. 31/32 (16.1-2; Spring/Fall 1988), 127-32. Reprints IV.iv, IV.viii. Cf. A.8, D.131.
D.140 [II.xviii of Coming to Jakarta.] Reprinted, with discussion, in Moment (Ithaca, NY, the newsletter of Epoch) #3, 9 February 1989, 2-3. Cf. D.134.
D.141 “Coming to Jakarta from Berkeley: An S.F. Weekly Interview with Peter Dale Scott” (by Mitch Ritter). S.F. Weekly, VIII, 27, July 19, 1989, 5.
D.142 “An Experiment in Education: Strawberry Preserved.” Teaching at Berkeley 22 (Fall 1989), 6.
D.143 “Northwards Without North: Bush, Counterterrorism, and the Continuation of Secret Power.” Social Justice (San Francisco), XVI, 2 (Summer 1989), 1-30. (An update of A.9)
D.144 [Poem] “Coming to Jakarta: A Poem About Terror. IV.xvi.” Elmwood Newsletter, V.3 (Fall Equinox, 1989), 15. Cf. A.8.