Prof. Ariane Walter, Le Post, September 11, 2011: “Il n’y a pas de livre d’Histoire plus passionnant, plus riche, plus indispensable, pour comprendre les secrets du 11 septembre, que «La route vers le nouveau desordre mondial» de Peter Dale Scott. J’ai decouvert ce livre il y a six mois environ et j’ai aussitot souhaite le faire connaitre mais la difficulte de rendre une telle oeuvre, quasi Proustienne par sa richesse, tant de details, tant d’humanite aussi, m’a bloquee un peu comme un surfeur au moment d’aborder une vague immense. Le resumer c’est un peu le perdre privant le lecteur de son rythme insense de revelations, de ces incursions, comme des plongees, au coeur de l’Etat profond Americain. …

“There is no book of history more exciting, more rich, more vital, to understand the secrets of September 11 than “The road to the new world disorder” by Peter Dale Scott .

Gen. Bernard Norlain, Revue Defense Nationale, March 2011, [in French]: “Here is a book that is fascinating, revealing, one could say terrifying…. This work astonishes by its originality and its power of analysis. It should be a reference work for all the defenders of the legal state and for all those who concern themselves with the future of our democracies.” [General Norlain is a retired five-star French general who also served as military adviser to French Prime Ministers Jacques Chirac and Michel Rocard.]

Afrique contemporaine no.236, 2010/4 [in French]: “As long as you have not read this book, your persisting naiveté will prevent you from understanding how the world has evolved…. Click here for extracts in French from the review.

Buzzflash, “This is a brilliant book, impeccably documented, that sees the executive branch of the American goverment through a prism of skepticism and alarm, bolstered by heavily footnoted sources. [Scott] raises vital unanswered questions about the emergence of the secret state within a state in the United States, while avoiding the pitfall of descending into adamant conspiracy theories.”

“Scott’s brilliantly perceptive account of the underpinnings of American governmental authority should be made required reading. The book vividly depicts the political forces that have pushed this country toward an abyss, threatening constitutional democracy at home and world peace abroad. Its central message can be understood as an urgent wake-up call to everyone concerned with the future of America.”–Richard Falk, author of The Great Terror War

Bruce Richardson, author, Amazon: Kudos to Peter Dale Scott, eminent doyen of political-historians. Here is a masterful, meticulously researched work detailing the considerable gulf that exists between what Washington’s power elite say they do and what they actually do. The author exposes in clear, concise terms the symbiotic realtionship that exists between organized crime, the intelligence services, the drug cartels and official Washington. Scott, like many of the wonderful writers with the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) organization hails from a background in government. His erudition and government experience make him uniquely qualified to write this powerful expose of government wrongdoing. Were only this high-caliber individual representative of public servants in contemporary Washington. This book is to be highly recommended. — Bruce G. Richardson Author: ‘Afghanistan, Ending the Reign of Soviet Terror’ and ‘Afghanistan, A Search for Truth’

“Peter Dale Scott is one of that tiny and select company of the most brilliantly creative and provocative political-historical writers of the last half century. The Road to 9/11 further secures his distinction as truth-teller and prophet. He shows us here with painful yet hopeful clarity the central issue of our time–America’s coming to terms with its behavior in the modern world. As in his past work, Scott’s gift is not only recognition and wisdom, but also redemption and rescue we simply cannot do without.”–Roger Morris, former NSC staffer

“The Road to 9/11 is vintage Peter Dale Scott. Scott does not undertake conventional political analysis; instead, he engages in a kind of poetics, crafting the dark poetry of the deep state, of parapolitics, and of shadow government. As with his earlier work Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, Scott has no theory of responsibility and does not name the guilty. Rather, he maps out an alien terrain, surveying the topography of a political shadow land, in which covert political deviancy emerges as the norm. After reading Scott, we can no longer continue with our consensus-driven belief that our so-called ‘liberal’ order renders impossible the triumph of the politically irrational.”–Eric Wilson, Senior Lecturer of Public International Law, Monash University, and co-editor of Government of the Shadows

“Peter Dale Scott exposes a shadow world of oil, terrorism, drug trade and arms deals, of covert financing and parallel security structures-from the Cold War to today. He shows how such parallel forces of the United States have been able to dominate the agenda of the George W. Bush Administration, and that statements and actions made by Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld before, during and after September 11, 2001, present evidence for an American ‘deep state’ and for the so-called ‘Continuity of Government’ in parallel to the regular ‘public state’ ruled by law. Scott’s brilliant work not only reveals the overwhelming importance of these parallel forces but also presents elements of a strategy for restraining their influence to win back the ‘public state’, the American democracy.”–Ola Tunander, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo

“A powerful study of the historic origins of the terrorist strikes of September 11, this book offers an indispensable guide to the gluttonous cast of characters who, since Watergate and the fall of Nixon, fashioned an ever more reckless American empire. By exposing the corrupt U.S. ‘deep state’-transfer of public authority to America’s wealthy and to the nation’s unaccountable secret intelligence agencies-Peter Dale Scott’s The Road to 9/11 illuminates the path toward a more democratic and inclusive republic.”–David MacGregor, King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario

“The Road to 9/11 provides an illuminating and disturbing history of the American government since World War II. Scott’s account suggests that the 9/11 attacks were a culmination of long-term trends that threaten the very existence of American democracy, and also that there has been a massive cover-up of 9/11 itself. This book, which combines extensive research, perceptive analysis, and a fascinating narrative, will surely be considered Scott’s magnum opus.”–David Ray Griffin, author of Debunking 9/11 Debunking

“‘The America we knew and loved. Can it be saved?’ That question opens this book, and getting to the answer called for the honed intellect of a scholar and the sensitivity of a poet. Peter Dale Scott has both, in spades, and here gives us much, much more than a book about 9/11. In a time of fear, he speaks for sanity and freedom.”–Anthony Summers, author of The Arrogance of Power

David Rasmussen, November 27, 2007: Power Books — Peter Dale Scott, “The Road to 9/11,” chronicles a history of the “deep state” in America, post World War II. …. I have only one criticism of this spectacularly researched book, and that is the title. A less modest title would be better. I suggest, “A Short History of the American Empire.” Footnotes tell this story without hyperbole. Peter Dale Scott is remarkably well-read, and ties together much you already know. He also visits areas where the record is contradictory or non-existent. (

Tony Maniaty, Weekend Australian, September 22, 2007: `WELCOME to ”post-America”, a once-proud nation beset with ”corruption, ineptitude, malevolence and hysteria” and filled with ”needless complexity and meaningless multiplicity of choice”. Peter Dale Scott’s lacerating study exposes this new America from the ground up — with rich-poor income disparity now surpassing the old world’s, and the middle class (”the heart of any public democracy”) losing economic ground — and shows how these unchecked forces are remodelling US foreign policy (often driven by ”small cabals”), threatening the foundations of the republic.”

Ed Encho, “9/11: Cover For A Coup D’Etat?” “So who really runs America? The elected government or a parallel/shadow government that has existed in some shape or form essentially since the end of WW II? The evidence is beginning to strongly support the latter. Most importantly and absolutely essential to the successful execution of a hostile takeover is the secret/shadow government apparatus itself. Author Peter Dale Scott recently alluded to the execution of the C.O.G. plans that subvert the Constitution (originally implemented during the Cold War in the event of a Soviet decapitation strike) in both this easy to read Counterpunch article [] and in much more depth in his outstanding new book on the “Deep State” entitled: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America. It is naive and childlike for thinking Americans to ignore the deep politics that represent the true power base in this and other countries for it not only exists but thrives in darkness and through it’s existence makes the ability to subvert the traditional processes possible.”

Jon Harrison, “Prelude to Disaster,” Liberty, April 2008: ” In a remarkable preface to the book, he contrasts the America of 1961 with the America of today, maintaining that we as a nation have lost our way. Libertarians will perhaps bristle at some of his conclusions. It may be possible to refute him on some particulars, but I fear the broad picture he paints is all too accurate. I found particularly resonant his comparison of present-day America, awash in unneeded consumer products and mindless diversions, to the simpler life he and his wife discovered in Thailand, where they recently spent some 18 months. … This is not a standard narrative such as academics have been producing since the 19th century – that is, a presentation of generally agreed upon facts that are analyzed according to the author’s ideological predilections. Rather, it is an attempt to reveal the deep politics of the period – the stories that never make the newspapers (or are misreported), the facts that are somehow left out of the standard academic works. Let me stress that we are not here entering the world of conspiracy mongering. This book, like all of Scott’s prose works, is meticulously researched and sourced. His formulations are grounded in the evidence. His conclusions may be disputed, but not on evidentiary grounds. In short, the scholarship is excellent. …Should we then consider, after all, the possibility that our own government may have had foreknowledge of the 9/11 plot, and allowed it to go forward? Scott does not make this quantum leap, but he insists that many important questions about 9/11 remain unanswered; that a cover-up (the reasons for which we can only speculate about) occurred. His arguments in this regard are persuasive.

Jim Reid, “The Road Not Taken: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America,” Off The Shelf [Guelph, Ont.], No. CXIX (January February 2008, published December 2007), 5: “The Road to 9/11 is an extraordinarily important book….Why has the U.S. government also drawn up actionable plans for implementing martial law, and for detention camps for American citizens? The answers to these and many other troubling questions are here, in the lucid prose and exemplary research of former Canadian diplomat and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Peter Dale Scott. Since 9/11 I have read widely about the causes and consequences of that day. I strongly recommend his book above any I have read since that sunny and dread filled morning when many of us felt that something was deeply and assuredly wrong. Many elements in the official accounts of that day are indeed wrong. Scott provides more questions about that day and the events that led to it. Where he doesn’t have answers, he says so. His thoughtful and deeply researched book is a welcome antidote to the answers of an administration which has exalted lying and contempt for democracy.”

[Robin Ramsay], Lobster 54, Winter 2007-8, 50: “Scott takes us through the disastrous connection between what he calls the American deep state, trying to make trouble for the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, with Islamists and jihadis….All the big ticket items are discussed in Scott’s meticulous, footnoted style….This is vintage Scott. He remains my model of how to do this.o

Anthony J. Thorne, “Peter Dale Scott’s long-in-the-works THE ROAD TO 9/11 is outstanding, powerful, sad, in a way, and quietly gripping. (It’s also notable for the fact that the University of California Press only reportedly published it after they’d spent the better part of a year scrupulously fact checking and cautiously vetting it for accuracy). Glib summaries aren’t likely to do it justice….Scott’s powerful, involving analysis of US covert policy and its relationship to the events of 9/11 is a tour-de-force. I’ll also note that, though the book is heavily footnoted and carries a lengthy bibliography, I found it to be more readable and emotionally engaging than some of his earlier works. (There are some thoughtful and appropriate personal touches).”

To see a review in the Toronto Globe and Mail of January 26, 2008, a very negative one, click here.

One-Hour Video Discussion of the Book
“Conversations with History,” Video discussion with Harry Kreisler of the University of California, about The Road to 9/11, August 8, 2007. One hour.

Reviews from the Internet:
Joseph Nechvatal, HEYOKA Magazine, Fall 2007, “….Writing with a touch of the charm of the poet that he is, Dr. Scott has been walking us through this political-historical shadow land for some time now. The Road to 9/11, which as the title indicates, provides historic origins of the terrorist strikes of September 11th 2001, builds on and extends his prior research into secret intelligence activities….

By examining only the verifiable aspects of the suspicions surrounding the catastrophe of 9/11, Peter Dale Scott shows how America’s military expansion into the world under the banner of 9/11 has been the result of crucial but surreptitious arrangements made by small cliques reactive to the agendas of privileged affluence; agendas resulting in the disbursement of the communal democratic state. Irrefutably, this is an imposing and scrupulous examination of how secrecy and terror is used as political weapon when shifting public authority to an unaccountable prosperity class. As such, I could not put it down and highly recommend it.

From BuzzFlash,

This is a brilliant book, impeccably documented, that sees the executive branch of the American goverment through a prism of skepticism and alarm, bolstered by heavily footnoted sources.

Dale raises vital unanswered questions about the emergence of the secret state within a state in the United States, while avoiding the pitfall of descending into adamant conspiracy theories. …

ForeclosureFishReview, October 1, 2007, ….some of the most revelatory information in the book concerns plans for the Continuity of Government (COG), that had been worked on by Cheney and Rumsfeld and originally disclosed during the Iran-Contra affair. According to Scott, the COG plan “called for ‘suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to FEMA, emergency appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law during a national crisis.’ The plan also gave the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which had been involved in drafting it, sweeping new powers, including internment.” Disturbingly, the same team that worked on COG plans was put back together in May 2001 by President George W. Bush to constitute a task force on terrorism. Furthermore, the attacks of September 11, 2001, resulted in the first implementation of the COG plans.

Another connection that the book points to is that the same team, headed by Cheney and Rumsfeld, had been part of the Project for a New American Century, which argued for greater military involvement in the Middle East. In effect, the events of 9/11 allowed this team to implement the two plans they had been working on since the 1980’s: wars in two Middle Easter countries and various parts of the COG planning, including warrantless detentions and warrantless eavesdropping. As Scott asks, “Were these practices decided on after 9/11, as the Bush administration maintains? Or were they already being prepared for as part of the COG planning revived by Cheney and FEMA in May 2001?”

Anthony J. Thorne (Melbourne, Australia), The Education Forum, Oct. 1, 2007: ” Peter Dale Scott’s long-in-the-works THE ROAD TO 9/11 is outstanding, powerful, sad, in a way, and quietly gripping. (It’s also notable for the fact that the University of California Press only reportedly published it after they’d spent the better part of a year scrupulously fact checking and cautiously vetting it for accuracy). Glib summaries aren’t likely to do it justice. There have been several books published so far that address the official story offered about 9/11 with a critical eye, all of which basically allege that the White House and US intelligence agencies have covered up their own, complicated roles in the terror attacks of 2001. Scott’s new book makes some reference to and generally builds upon a number of those works, but simultaneously encompasses a far broader sweep, wields (conversely) a simpler, more direct argument, and provides a new level of hard-to-argue-with credibility to the process of naming specific names. ”

…Scott’s powerful, involving analysis of US covert policy and its relationship to the events of 9/11 is a tour-de-force. I’ll also note that, though the book is heavily footnoted and carries a lengthy bibliography, I found it to be more readable and emotionally engaging than some of his earlier works. (There are some thoughtful and appropriate personal touches). It’s worth finally mentioning that Scott cleverly begins each new section of the book with highly appropriate quotes pertaining to the chapter that follows….

***** The Origins, Growth and Follies of of Radical Conservatism , by J. M. Stout, Ph.D. (Arizona): One of America’s most respected and and cogent sociopolitical scientists, Peter Dale Scott (UC at Berkley) has answered the most important questions about the Neocons and Bush Administration. The work is undoubtedly one of the most important books written since 1970, given that it demonstrates how the Neocons do not believe in Democracy, the American voter or sovereign nations entitled to design and implement their own destinies. Do not walk, but run to buy this book.

***** Stunning Work of Immense Value to Every American, September 3, 2007 By Robert D. Steele (Oakton, VA United States):

I put this book down in something of a daze. This is one of the top five books relevant to understanding Dick Cheney, 9/11, Iraq, and the demise of the Republic.

This author is a Nobel-level researcher who has specialized in cover-ups and conspiracies, who with this book has fourteen serious books in being, a few of them poetry of a serious nature.

The book begins with a lovely list of nineteen trailblazers that is galringly incomplete, but a nice touch and worthy of note.

As I worked my way through the book I was thinking to myself that this author has brought together, in one volume in which half the pages are endnotes, much of what I have been trying to address in my 950+ reviews and my lists on Cheney and 9/11 and anti-Americanism.

The author is superbly credible and well-written in documenting the many miscalculations that have been the result of the intersection between Saudi Arabia, Texas and Geneva, and aggravated (my own view) by Zionists and Israeli genocide against the Palestinians and the Lebanese. I have a note, “tontos utiles,” which is what Americans are called in Latin America: “useful idiots.” In reality, Cheney is not an idiot, he is simply the most amoral war criminal to ever sit in the Oval Office.

The author is extremely good at showing how Cheney’s power emerged with the creation of the Continuity of Operations (COG) parallel government during the Reagan Administration. I am quite certain that Dick Cheney was controlling every aspect of US Government operations on 9/11, and I believe this book and the other books listed below to the point that I feel the 9/11 Commission was a cover-up, and We the People must indict and impeach Dick Cheney or be forever disgraced in the eyes of the world as accomplices to his murderous misdeeds and his 25 high crimes and misdemeanors.

The author ends the book beautifully, with a call for Open Politics that ends with glossary of open politics. Readers may be interested in my keynote speech to Gnomedex in Seattle, “Open Everything, which will shortly be available at my web site as a 9 minute download, with the slides easily found at my website/GNOME.

The author is an English professor, and I can think of no higher praise for his work than to say he is the most erudite patriot I have ever read. This is a moving thoughtful work of enormous importance to those who wish to save the Republic and the Constitution from the criminals and traiors that have hijacked the three branches of the federal government.

There are 27 secessionist movements for good reason. If we do not act now, before 2008, every one of those 27 secessionist movements will have every right to withdraw from what has become the most dangerous rogue nation on the planet. What is being done “in our name” is immoral, unaffordable, unsustainable, and unnecessary. It’s time we took the Republic back.

Reprehensor,, November 7, 2007,

“Following the Preface is a 25-page introduction that is a profound summation of the metastasis of secrecy in the U.S. government, the Wall Street roots of the CIA, self-destructive foreign policy during the Cold War, and the rise of Full Spectrum Dominance and the Neocons. Scott then launches into a virtuoso performance, collating the march toward the Cheney-Bush Junta, by identifying the roles played by Nixon, Kissinger, Brzezinski, the Rockefellers, Ford, Carter and CIA director Casey. What we see is a steady encroachment on American civil liberties, and the spread of covert operations, with drug trafficking as a steady counterpoint, research backed up with over one thousand end notes…. It is this combination of straight-forward prose, damning information, acute analysis, and the cautious building of a very-well researched argument that leaves The Road to 9/11 standing handstands above any of the establishment-line books on 9/11, and well above many of the alternative lines of inquiry regarding 9/11 that have appeared on the scene in recent years. As an introductory volume to serious 9/11 research, this book is exemplary. The only other scholarly volume in its class is The Hidden History of 9-11-2001, published by academic press, Elsevier. (These two books alone would be sufficient for a University-level course designed with critique of the 9/11 Commission in mind.) For those well read on the topic of 9/11, this book should be considered mandatory, a welcome addition to the genre.” C Buzzawitz:

The importance of this publication should not be underestimated. Published by the University of California Press, Scott’s new book goes further than any other book so far published about 9/11, to identify and establish through unimpeachable documentary evidence the historic factors that have made the crime of 9/11 and its cover-up possible. Much more than this, The Road to 9/11 demonstrates exactly how it has happened over the past half century that American democracy has been fundamentally undermined, and, vitally, how it can be re-established.

Most of the book documents key points in this “para-political” history. It’s treatment of the actual crime of 9/11 is brief relative to the space given towards establishing the hidden political structures and context which allowed 9/11 to happen. This is not a book detailing all the legitimate questions about the 9/11 event; rather, it focuses on some of the most pertinent – and damning. More importantly, and this is its most significant offering, it establishes the underlying context by which to accurately understand the current historical predicament.

The fact that UC Press has published this book – even though it names sitting politicians as being likely of having committed criminal, even treasonous acts – is a testament both to their courage, and especially to the impeccability of Scott’s research. Reportedly, the relevant editorial department at the UCP Berkely decided to publish the book only after commissioning two independent peer reviewers, who each recommended publication…. As bold and disturbing as it is, they apparently decided it was too important to decline or delay publication of this material, once the accuracy of its sources had been vigorously confirmed.

Style-wise, it’s academic, to be sure, but it’s a great one to give to judges, journalists, police officers, lawyers, professors, religious leaders, politicians, military officers, students, concerned foreigners, and, well heck – any caring citizen with a brain.

This book will surely become a cornerstone for present and future historians to understanding the current epoch. If you care about our democracy, The Road to 9/11 is a book you must read. Soon.

Stephen Borrow (Sydney Australia):

Peter Dale Scott is a modern American hero. His forays into the dark world of deep politics and the functions of the Uber-State are extraordinary contributions to our understanding of how US hegemony has developed in the post war period, and particularly since the 1960s. The persuasive power of that writing is, apart from the argument, derived from meticulous research, the rechecking of sources and corroboration of factual claims by ample foot-noting (there were, for example, 117 pages of footnotes in The Road to 9/11). Coming to Jakarta is a poetic re-telling of Scott’s personal, intellectual journey through the world of international political terror and complements his other body of work. It’s a long poem, and much of it may prove inaccessible to readers unfamiliar with Scott’s political writing or the historical subjects alluded to. That should not deter, but be accepted as an invitation to commune with one of the great political analysts of our time.

The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott:
danwood, Tues Sep 04, 2007,

Weekend Australian, September 22, 2007: WELCOME to ”post-America”, a once-proud nation beset with ”corruption, ineptitude, malevolence and hysteria” and filled with ”needless complexity and meaningless multiplicity of choice”. Peter Dale Scott’s lacerating study exposes this new America from the ground up — with rich-poor income disparity now surpassing the old world’s, and the middle class (”the heart of any public democracy”) losing economic ground — and shows how these unchecked forces are remodelling US foreign policy (often driven by ”small cabals”), threatening the foundations of the republic. Weekend Australian, September 22, 2007: WELCOME to ”post-America”, a once-proud nation beset with ”corruption, ineptitude, malevolence and hysteria” and filled with ”needless complexity and meaningless multiplicity of choice”. Peter Dale Scott’s lacerating study exposes this new America from the ground up — with rich-poor income disparity now surpassing the old world’s, and the middle class (”the heart of any public democracy”) losing economic ground — and shows how these unchecked forces are remodelling US foreign policy (often driven by ”small cabals”), threatening the foundations of the republic.

This book, though it has 9/11 in the title, is about much, much more than 9/11. The title, I think, is a bit misleading. It might be more accurate to call it The Road THROUGH 9/11 since it’s really about how 9/11 was used by certain neocon gentlemen – including a Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld – to get to where we are today….

Chapter Eleven is perhaps the most important part of the book, discussing the Orwellian-named “Continuity of Government” (COG) planned structure. This has Rumsfeld’s and Cheney’s fingerprints all over it. The COG plan, according to Alfonso Chardy of the Miami Herald quoted in the book, calls for “suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to FEMA, emergency appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declarations of martial law during a national crisis.”…

Extracts or Early Versions from the Book:
Original (2003) version of Preface

Chapter 7:

D.310a Deep Politics: Drugs, Oil, Covert Operations and Terrorism: A briefing for Congressional staff, July 22, 2005. Also on Internet as “9/11 in Historical Perspective: Flawed Assumptions,”,, 7/29/05,

Chapter 8

“Al Qaeda, U.S. Oil Companies, and Central Asia” (July 19, 2005, revised 5/15/06; excerpt from forthcoming book, The Road to 9/11)

D.318 “Al-Qaeda, US Oil and Central Asia,” Nexus (Mapleton, Australia), 13.3, April-May 2006, 11-15. (Without footnotes; go to [The Road to 9/11:] Chapter 8: Al Qaeda and the U.S. Establishment for revised and footnoted version.)

Chapter 9

D.334 “9/11’s Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant” (Peter Dale Scott Talk in Palo Alto, October 27, 2006).

D.331 “How the FBI protected Al Qaeda’s 9/11 Hijacking Trainer: New Revelations about Ali Mohamed,”, 10/8/06, The following text is an expanded version of Peter Dale Scott’s Talk at Berkeley, September 24, 2006. Click here for Spanish translation. Click here for Italian translation.

D.330 “The 9/11 Report and Ali Mohamed, Al Qaeda’s Chief Terrorism Trainer.” Talk delivered on September 24 at public event, “9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out.”

D.330a “Nuevas revelaciones sobre Ali Mohamed: El FBI protegio al instructor de Al Qaeda para el 11-S,”, 5 de Noviembre de 2006.

Chapter 10

D.345 “Exclusive excerpt: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America,” Guerrilla News Network, August 14, 2007.

Chapters 12-13

“9/11 Commission Deception, Cheney’s Actions on 9/11, and Why He Should Testify Under Oath.” Journal of 9/11 Studies [September 26, 2007],

Chapter 14

D.317 “10-Year U.S. Strategic Plan For Detention Camps Revives Proposals From Oliver North.” Article for Pacific News Service, February 21, 2006. The article concerns ” ENDGAME: Office of Detention and Removal Strategic Plan, 2003 – 2012 — Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland”. The plan is to build the capability to “remove all removable aliens,” and the detained population is to include “illegal economic migrants, aliens who have committed criminal acts, asylum-seekers (required to be retained by law) or potential terrorists.” Click here to see brief excerpts.

D.315 “Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps.” Article for Pacific News Service, January 31, 2006.